I've got a few updates for you. I know you've been on the edge of your seat, wondering, "what in the world is Natalia up to?" Well, I am very sorry to keep you waiting but you see I've started this new thing. It's something that I have to get up for each morning at 5am, get dressed, eat breakfast, fix my lunch and leave...my house...typically BEFORE my boys get up for school! Yes. That 3 letter word...MUD. No, I'm kidding, not MUD. That doesn't even make sense. It's a JOB. Yep, I've gone and done it. This stay at home mom of 10 years has a job...outside the home. Bittersweet.
I started in September and it is definitely a
different lifestyle. It's a different mindset. I was very excited to start something
new, something different than what I've been doing for the past 10 years...which has not been bad, I love being a mom, cleaning up after kids, washing other's clothes, mopping floors that have some kind of weird sticky substance dried on them...for the third time...in one day. I'm lying, I don't mop that much. But there does
always seem to be something sticky on the floor at some point during the day. Where was I?... Oh yeah...making meals for others to eat and cleaning their dishes. So yeah, I've loved doing all these things...for 10 years. Can you hear a little sarcasm there. If not, you should. I don't always love doing those things but the funny thing is I don't feel like I've stopped doing many of those things since I've started. I've just got less time to do it all in. I know you working mothers can relate
AND I have a new found respect for you!
At this point I need to pause and give a
HUGE shout out to my dear, sweet, handsome, incredible Mr. Mom who has completely taken over morning duties at our household since I've started this new adventure. He gets up before the boys and cooks breakfast, which is NOT just cereal or waffles like I used to do but he cooks eggs, bacon, cinnamon toast...in the oven
AND he gets them dressed, makes their lunches, feeds the dogs and takes my sweet boys to school. Every morning! Now that's an awesome husband and dad!! I'm ever so grateful and blessed to have this man as my own. Whew, I got tired just typing all of that.
So, I go to this JOB that I have been really enjoying, get off work in time to pick up my boys and when we get home there's a whole list of more things to do, of course. You all know what I'm talking about. The "Evening Schedule". I usually give them 30 min of "free time" to get the wiggles out then it's homework, dinner, some family time, bath and bed. Then I typically stay up for a few more hours to catch up on house chores or work on a cake order. That's what I've been up to.
In the middle of all this new stuff I've still been baking. I just haven't had a lot of time to tell you about it because I usually can't keep my eyes open long enough.
I made a butterfly cake in October but I can't find the finished photos I took so I'll just have to show you the crumb coated one and let your imagination take it from there until I find them.
I told you you'll have to use your imagination! :-) I can tell you it had two shades of lavender and swirls.
My hubby and I celebrated our 14th year of wedded bliss. ;-)
I know...we haven't aged a bit!
I have to tell you, all the photos I'm about to share are from facebook and uploaded from my phone. Sorry, no glamour shots in this post.
We got to go to the Renaissance Festival with a friend. Lots of fun!
Gotta get ya' some turkey leg! |
Corban and the Barbarian |
Love this pic! He fits right in! |
We found some pirates! |
Then there was Halloween!!! I had a lot of fun dressing up as Master Chief from the video game, Halo. If you don't know what that is it's ok. The only reason I know is because that is what my 10 yr old is into right now. We actually bought this costume for him last year, removed the armor and attached it a suit that fit him better. So this year I had to remove the armor from his suit and resew it back onto the original!! I was pretty proud of myself...as you can see in my diva pose below. ;-)
Master Chief Natalia |
After Halloween, I voted.
After I voted I made a wedding cake and desserts for my sweet, beautiful sister in law and her now hubby! Congratulations guys!! One of the most emotional weddings I've ever been to.
Wood cake with succulents and dogwood flowers. The bears on top were salt and pepper shakers! |
Three kinds of macarons. Chocolate Ganache, Pumpkin Spice and Blackberry Cream. |
...And then Thanksgiving...I love Thanksgiving.
Pecan pie. |
At the family dinner table. Love. |
After Thanksgiving I have to eat this for lunch everyday to lose the pounds that I gained enjoying all the wonderful food!!! It's a trade-off I'm willing to make.
Spinach, quinoa and tomato salad |
There is where I get to eat lunch every day at work so I don't mind it much. It's a good thing!
Lunch by the lake, sitting in the grass having a picnic. |
And then of course it's time for Christmas!!!!! Where has the time gone????
Tree. Living room. Handsome boy. |
Gingerbread House making time!! It was eaten this morning!!! Lasted all of two days. |
I also made a baby shower cake this weekend but the pics are not ready. I'll get them to you soon. I have another wedding coming up in January so I'm gearing up for that one.
So that's my life in review! Hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed living it!!
As always...thanks for stopping by, God bless and leave some love!