Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Car Cake

I'm gonna leave you with a short post today about the car cake that I made last weekend for an MBA Grad.

This is the first car cake I have done and let me just be honest with you...I learned A LOT!  It didn't come out exactly how I wanted and I had some support issues with the back end.  To put it plainly this was "supposed" to be a Corvette cake but because I had trouble with some of the body styling...curves, lines and what not, it's just a car cake...with a Corvette emblem.  Go easy on me but I would appreciate some creative criticism.

The cake itself was chocolate with vanilla buttercream and everyone actually seemed to really enjoy eating it.  If you took pictures at the event of the cake and don't mind sharing them with me I'd really appreciate it!

This cake weighed about 70 pounds so it was difficult for me to move it to a more suitable backdrop for pictures.  I just had to take it on my counter. :-)  It ended up being 24" long, 10" wide and 8"high.  A BIG cake!

The front.

The back.

It turned out lumpier than I wanted.  It was just a difficult first time cake overall.  I was glad to have the opportunity and the customer seemed super happy with it!  So there you have it.  

As always, God bless, leave some love and thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My Niece's Dedication

So, the weekend we get back from our little summer vacation I have a cake due for my sweet cupcake, Kylee.  She's my niece and she is as cute as a button!
Don't you think?!
These incredibly adorable pictures were taken by, the very talented, Melissa Pickens Photography
My favorite!  The Owl Cap
My other favorite...Flowers & Pearls
...AND my other favorite, Diva Peacock Hiney!

See...I told you Melissa was good.  Actually I think she is having a sale this week so if you need pics taken this is the time to do them!

Back to my niece.  She is something else!  I absolutely love her guts!  So, anyhoo, she was being dedicated and of course I had to make her a cake.  We decided to go with a design that mimicked her handmade dedication gown that was made by her, Nonna, my MIL.  Nonna is pretty awesome too!  I can honestly say I love my in-laws!  I could not have prayed for better.

Here is, Kylee, in her gown.
No.  She's not that tall.  In case you were wondering but how about that gown!  Isn't it gorgeous!

With her favorite Auntie and Uncle...

Auntie getting sugars!

Here is her cake.

I think it turned out quite nice since I have little experience in piping.  This gave me good practice and helped me to see where I need to improve and that I need practice!  The family had a great time hanging out afterwards since we met for lunch and had the cake then.  God bless our little cupcake.

Did you celebrate a special occasion recently?  I'd love to hear about it!

As always...God bless, leave some love and thanks for stopping by.

Our Crazy Summer...

I realize I haven't posted in a while.  But I'm not apologizing because I told you this would happen.  So here I am again to catch you up on what's been going on in my neck of the woods.

First let's start with the kiddo's summer.  To put it plainly, this has been a LONG summer!!!!!!!!!!!  I am ecstatic (and that hardly expresses my inner emotions) that they are back in school...WOOOHOOO!!!!!!

I mean, I love my boys, you know I do, but for some reason this summer has been unexpectedly overwhelming.  I think it might have a bit to do with the drought situation.  It just worsens the extreme temps and if you are not IN the pool it's not very enjoyable and, really, there are just so many days you can spend at the pool!  The other days are spent trying to occupy the boys at home with new books or movies on Netflix,  playing outside with friends when it's bearable, drawing, playing video games (that I insist on limiting), and pretty much trying to keep each other from killing one another and me from pulling all of my hair out!  Whew!  Like I said, It's been one tough summer!

So what else have we done during these long, hot days?  Pretty much nothing until a couple weeks ago when we got to borrow a friends condo in Galveston to hang out at for a few days.  It was a MUCH needed change of scenery and pace!
Ahhh!  That's more like it!

This too!  I could get used to this!

We went to the beach...everyday!

For 3 days!
We ate out.
We ate in. Keeping it easy of course!
We got dessert!
We rode the ferry.  Which the boys loved and we even saw a few porpoises.
We visited the Train Museum.  Corban's and my favorite!
We had a great time and made some memories!  We will definitely be doing this again...soon.

So now "we're" back in school and all is right with the world again.  My youngest is going full-time this year as well so that means I have the majority of the days to myself now.  I wish I could say that I now have "free" time but I'm far from it!  I have a house to try and clean and organize from the summer chaos, cakes to make, I'm PTO Secretary this year, assisting with school/class activities, helping hubby with The Woodlands Marathon, training for a couple of races AND organizing events for my church's women's group!  So amidst these responsibilities I hope to occasionally grab lunch with a friend, get a pedicure, do a bit of window shopping and maybe real shopping, catch a movie with my free tickets that I won and just have some chill time!

How about you?  What did you do to keep your sanity, make memories or pass time?  Are glad school is starting or does it throw a kink in schedule?  I'd love to hear from you guys!

As always...God Bless, leave some love and thanks for stopping by!